Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Bad Breath

Whew! My Breath Stinks!

Did you know that Americans list bad breath as the number one thing they would change about their co-workers?  For many people bad breath can be very embarrassing.  Bad breath, also known as halitosis, can be a temporary thing caused by diet, such as eating onions or garlic.  However, if you have bad breath that is persistent and doesn’t improve with hygiene or diet changes, also known as chronic bad breath,  you might want to consult with your dentist. 
There are many reasons that people experience chronic bad breath, but the most common are:

·        Gum Disease – People who experience advanced stages of gum disease, also known as periodontitis, often have a very distinct smell to their breath.  Periodontitis, if left untreated to can cause many health concerns, some of which can lead to premature death or premature aging.  The only way to treat periodontitis is treatment provided by your dentist.

·        Dry mouth – Dry mouth occurs when there is a dramatic drop in the amount of saliva production in the mouth.  Saliva helps to minimize bacterial growth and to wash away food particles. For those who experience this it can be very uncomfortable, but it can also cause bad breath and tooth decay.  Consult with your dentist for treatment options.

·        Sinus problems – postnasal drip can cause bad breath as well.  Working with a physician closely to find the best treatment options can help to minimize this problem.

·        Systemic infections – These affect your entire body.  These include diabetes, respiratory infections, certain liver conditions and many more.

It is very important to consult your dentist or physician if you experience chronic bad breath, because bad breath may be a symptom of a bigger underlying health issue.  Using products that are often marketed to cure bad breath can often cause more harm.  These products often mask bad breath, but don’t treat the underlying cause of the bad breath. Many people find discussing their bad breath to be uncomfortable or embarrassing, but I can assure that your health care provider only wants to help you, and has helped many people just like you.  By seeking treatment you no longer have to live with embarrassing bad breath, but you may also do your health a favor!

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