Friday, March 22, 2013

Oral Cancer

Oral Cancer

Notice how this mouth otherwise looks healthy
Early detection and early intervention are key to maintaining sustainable dental health over your lifetime.  The soft tissue of the mouth is no exception.  While we could discuss periodontal disease, today’s topic is oral cancer. 
Oral cancer is growing at an alarming rate globally.  There are more than 50,000 cases of oral cancer diagnosed every year in the United States. In addition, more than 20 people die daily from oral cancer in the United States.  Oral cancer is very treatable, but if left undetected and untreated if can prove to be very fatal.  Seeing your dentist twice annually is the best way to ensure that it is detected early.  The best way to prevent oral cancer is to stop smoking and using smokeless tobacco.  Oral tobacco use is the number cause of oral cancer.  However, don’t be fooled into thinking that you are immune if you are a non-tobacco user.  Nobody is immune from oral cancer.

See your dentist immediately if any of these persist longer than 14 days…

Oral Cancer
·        Any suspicious sore or lesion

·        Have a discolored area

·        Have an area that bleeds easily

Your dentist has a trained eye and some dentist have specialized tests to test for oral cancer.  Your dentist can save your life.  Oral cancer is something that is diagnosed every day in this country.  Those annual visits could just save your life.  See your dentist and keep smiling!

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